Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW 02) 93190288 [email protected]
In October 2019, the department engaged KPMG to do a review of the Sector Support and Development (SSD) Sub-Program. The scope of the review was recently expanded with findings now due in April 2020.

The review recommendations will be considered in mid-2020. The department will consult with providers and the sector on potential changes coming from the review. This will occur before any policy and funding changes are finalised.

To provide funding certainty for SSD providers while the review and consultations are finalised, the department will extend funding for SSD providers until 30 June 2021. A further extension until 30 June 2022 will follow to allow for potential changes to the SSD Sub-Program to be reflected in the July 2021 to June 2022 funding arrangements.

If you have any questions about the extension of the SSD Sub-Program, please contact your Funding Arrangement Manager. Alternatively, you can contact the department at [email protected].